Konami are a name which has for long been associated with a variety of very specific games, from Disney sports to Dance Dance titles and from Frogger to the atmospheric Silent Hill franchise. One very specific genre however, eluded them, the third person intense combat action game. Every chance they get, Konami are eager to remind us that Apocalyptica will be a non-stop, frantic action game.
Apocalyptica is scheduled for a September 2003 PC release with an XBox version following shortly after that. Interestingly the XBox version will support XBox Live and will feature support for up to eight combatants via the service.
In many ways Apocalyptica has the potential to become a Konami flagship title. It is ambitious and will attempt to create a unique, extremely coherent and very immersing world while drawing from real-world references and experience.
Produced by Konami's new European development studio and created by UK-based Extreme FX, Apocalyptica will have players putting their faith to the test as they confront malevolent bosses and divine forces of evil. The game's powerful proprietary engine has been specifically designed to allow players to experience swift, seamless free-roaming action and unforgettable combat sequences. Complete with challenging team-based quests and heart-pounding battles against enemy forces that are equipped with extremely advanced A.I., the game contains riveting gameplay that will keep players up deep into the night.
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