Find out all you need to know about this summer’s most anticipated offering, Prey. Join us as we investigate the past, present and future of Tommy Tawodi, formerly known as Talon Brave, the reluctant Cherokee whose destiny it is to save our world.
Anyone walking outside the LA venue of E3 2005 would have little difficulty in picking up the buzz from visitors regarding the exhibition showstopper; it was Prey, the new game from Human Head and 3D Realms. That information however, is inaccurate as Prey may be a lot of things but it’s definitely not new. Had the same person been outside the E3 1998 venue in Atlanta, the same buzz could have been heard. Gamers exiting the show would have immediate spasms of joy at the mention of 16-bit Radiosity and portal technology and would have sworn eternal allegiance to 3D Realms for making such high-tech dream games as Prey and Duke Nukem Forever.
It’s all about portals, I’ll have you know
The premise upon which Prey was conceived has captured the imaginations of millions of movie-goers in the past; a reluctant savior, a regular guy, much like you and me that is asked to save the world and refuses to accept his heroic destiny. Die Hard and John McCLane come to mind when considering the insurmountable odds that the young Cherokee is asked to face.
The story of Prey begins over 10 years ago in 1995 when 3D Realms, hard at work on Duke Nukem 3D, were considering what their next title should be….
Anyone walking outside the LA venue of E3 2005 would have little difficulty in picking up the buzz from visitors regarding the exhibition showstopper; it was Prey, the new game from Human Head and 3D Realms. That information however, is inaccurate as Prey may be a lot of things but it’s definitely not new. Had the same person been outside the E3 1998 venue in Atlanta, the same buzz could have been heard. Gamers exiting the show would have immediate spasms of joy at the mention of 16-bit Radiosity and portal technology and would have sworn eternal allegiance to 3D Realms for making such high-tech dream games as Prey and Duke Nukem Forever.

It’s all about portals, I’ll have you know
The premise upon which Prey was conceived has captured the imaginations of millions of movie-goers in the past; a reluctant savior, a regular guy, much like you and me that is asked to save the world and refuses to accept his heroic destiny. Die Hard and John McCLane come to mind when considering the insurmountable odds that the young Cherokee is asked to face.
The story of Prey begins over 10 years ago in 1995 when 3D Realms, hard at work on Duke Nukem 3D, were considering what their next title should be….
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