Pandora's stunning beauty opened many doors but curiosity led to her opening her gift box. Microsoft has laid upon us its very own gift Box and in many ways Unreal Championship is the key that will open it up, let's hope gamers survive.
Unreal Championship is a smart move, as we have come to expect, from Microsoft. Based on an extremely successful series of games, it will be one of the first titles to launch the XBox and gamers into broadband, multi-player heaven.
To view the Unreal Championship trailer press the download tab above.
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Introducing Unreal Championship
Developed by Digital Extremes, Unreal Championship is an upcoming first-person action game built from the ground up exclusively for the Xbox video game system from Microsoft, utilizing the latest Unreal technology by Epic Games.
Unreal Championship combines a brilliant single player experience with an unparalleled multi-player component.
Additional features include all new characters and weapons; land, air and team-based vehicles; exotic levels and environments as well as new game modes and some old favorites.
Players will be able to play through a series of matches in the single player mode against computer-controlled opponents (bots) or play online against human-controlled opponents. Both single-player and online aspects of the game will be rich with content and gameplay options giving the player a wide range of first person action experiences.
Designing the First-Person Shooter for Console
Unreal Championship is carefully being developed by Digital Extremes to provide console gamers with an adrenaline packed first-person action experience designed specifically for Xbox and Xbox controller, including jump and speed pads, double jump, weapon auto-aim, a high performance frame rate (60 FPS), unlockable features, and more to keep your appetite at its peak.
Bringing Unreal Championship to life
Unreal Championship will contain all new individualized characters who have their own abilities and origins, over 25 exotic indoor and outdoor locales, out of the box Internet play with up to 32 players online, 4-player split screen, system link capability, exciting gameplay modes, land and air vehicles, new and returning weapons, and a package of power-ups that will make you giddy with glee.
Follow the link below and to the right to find out how the Unreal Championship engine has been improved and how multi-player Internet gameplay becomes an XBox reality...
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